F. Scott Bollinger

September 3, 1949 - February 15, 2014
F. Scott Bollinger
Service Date:
Friday, February 21, 2014 12:00 PM
Service Location:
Salt Lake City Cemetery

In Loving Memory

It was a shock and a great sadness to see that Scott had passed away. Over the years I've lost track of him, but would ask Jeff Jensen if he'd seen him and how he was doing. I knew that Scott was sick, but did not know he was so ill. I have wonderful memories of being introduced to Scott, and Whitey, and others of Jeff's friends when Jeff and I were in law school. To me, the pleasure of meeting Scott was all mine, and I derived a great deal more out of our friendship than he did. Scott and the family are in my prayers and thoughts.
Ronald J. Yengich
salt lake city, UT
All our love to you, Faith, and your children and their families. We know he will be missed.
Ted & Bonnie Prudence
wasilla, AK
Dear Faith, Buffy, Jesse, Christina, I can not even imagine the grief you are feeling at this moment because I too am overwhelmed with grief as if I had seen Scott only yesterday. My memories are as fresh as the day they were made and Scott will always be in my thoughts and will be part of my make up as a person. I will never forget any of it, what we did how we grew together. He will always, always be with me. Love to you all, Jerry
Jerry Fetzer
new york city, NY
I would like to offer my condelences to the Bollinger family. Scott will always be in my thoughts and heart. My prayers go out to the family. Scott taught me a lot about life and the importance of family and he wiil be forever in my thoughts.
Kelsie Akiyama
salt lake city, UT
The Wetzel's want due extend our condolescenes to the family. We are shocked at the timing and late notice but want you to know Scott was a great cousin to me. He did the best he knew how, loved his family, and took good care of them. May God be with you now and always. Now he is in peace with his parents, brother and sister. Love The Wetzel's
David L Wetzel and family
riverton, UT